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(2 edits)

How do I confirm the limo ride? I talked to the salesman who I brought the ticket from, and he just repeats "Lemme know when you want to use that limo ride".

UPDATE: Also found a place to softlock myself. I can jump up to this rooftop, but I can't jump down it.


Thank you for playing the game. To confirm the limo ride, you will also need the tuxedo in the west shop, and the medallion from the retired mafia member in the northern slums. 

Also, thank you for spotting the softlock. I will fix this. After finishing my other game (Demon Castle), I should take the time to finish this game.  It's almost finished too.

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By "retired Mafia member", do you mean the guy above the tuxedo store, or do you mean the house that belongs to "The Jones"?


House of the Jones.

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How do I unlock the house's door?

EDIT: Also found another softlock.

(1 edit) (+1)

Dangit...The Jones's house should be unlocked after you sneak into the bar in the west. 

(Thank you for catching these mistakes. I will make these fixes and hopefully finish this game very soon.)

Deleted 164 days ago
(1 edit) (+1)

Hello Rema. Thank you so much for getting so far in my game. My game in its current jam submission has a bug unfortunately.   If you play the HTML version, I fixed the bug. My game is not complete yet, but by the end of the month, it will be. 

Edit: Thank you so much for the follow.